It is an administrative division affiliated to the President’s Office. The division is concerned with citizens’ affairs such as receiving suggestions, inquiries and opinions to address the problems of citizens that pertain to the university. It also works to develop the level of university performance through communication between the citizen and the various university departments, in an effort to overcome the difficulties that people may face during their visit to the university to complete their cases. The division also welcome citizens, listen to them and their complaints, and direct them to the right direction to follow up with the department concerned. Moreover, it receives citizens’ requests or complaints to explain the opinion and prepare the reading to present it to the attention of the university president. It is the main outlet for receiving requests, complaints, sorting, organizing and submitting detailed statistical reports daily to the university president. It also cares for the interests of citizens and promotes the form of close relations between citizens and the university in the context of objectivity, transparency and mutual respect.